"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
- Jim Rohn
Today was rather good, I thought. I woke up rather early, 6:34 in the morning, went outside to have a smoke, then I had the breakfast. Scrambled eggs with cheese, white toast with peanut butter, a bowl of Cap'n Crunch, and some milk. The bowl of cereal is something I have everyday since I got to Chatham Oaks. I have more freedom, get to keep my cellphone at night, but it comes with a price in my mind; you can't get the wi-fi password. It's all good, though... I get to be on the computer after 3:00 PM.
Now, onto the quote. You have to think of the here and now, prepare for happiness.
I learned something new about myself today... I can get into a mature and 'zenful' moment after a certain amount of coffee. French pressed, mind you. I wasn't bouncing off the walls, but I had some energy. I met a couple new people, offered some poetic music, and got to learn about some new diagnosis. I will list the ones I'm comfortable with sharing, and since it will give some idea on the sporadic entries:
- Borderline Personality Disorder (Chronic)
- Anxiety
- Dissociative Disorder
- Depression
- Methamphetamine use disorder
Sometimes my anxiety and depression get the best of me and I just don't feel like posting. Or sometimes I have too much going on (*coughs* Like sleeping and writing...*cough*).
BUT! I have been getting in more meditation, becoming one with the resonating sound of a hang drum.
And with that, I shall leave you with another quote..
"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing you best today."
- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
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